We are proud to announce that our company «Applications Techniques des Plastiques ( ATP) » participated in the «Trophées de l’Entreprise d’Eure-et-Loir 2024», co-organized by L’Echo Républicain and the CCI of Eure-et-Loir.
For this event that celebrates the dynamism, creativity and performance of Eurelian companies, 99 companies competed in seven categories. The jury selected three winners from each of them.
ATP was selected among the three companies that won the jury in the category: «TRANSMISSION REPRISE». (Transmission / Acquisition”

Taking over a company is above all a bet, a bet on the potential of a structure, on the ability to overcome challenges, and especially on the women and men who make up it.
This collective success would never have been possible without the trust of the teams, the support of customers and partners.
Today, this trophy for the companies of Eure et Loir 2024 is not only an achievement for ATP but also a commitment to continue the effort, to innovate, to recruit and grow this company with passion.